Oh No Not The Strippers!:Dallas' stripper shortage has club owners scrambling ahead of Super Bowl

News Core - Game tickets and parking spaces are not the only things in short supply in Dallas ahead of Super Bowl XLV.

Dallas-area strip clubs, expecting a boom in lusting patrons, are scrambling for exotic dancers to meet the expected onslaught, TMZ reported Thursday.

Showtime Cabaret’s John Walsh told TMZ his establishment is looking for an additional 100 to 120 lap dancers for the big football weekend.

One advertisement says, “We Want You!! Ladies, are you coming to [Dallas-Fort Worth] for the big game week? Want a safe, clean club to make the big $$$ in?”

Walsh said the 60 or so Dallas-area strip clubs will require approximately 10,000 strippers combined.

Officials from Arlington, Tex., home to Cowboys Stadium where the game will be played, said they expect 300,000 visitors for Super Bowl weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm... are the fellas sweating yet... lol